We have the best students in the world!

Nu när min kurs är slut jag skulle vilja ge någon feedback.😊
De två veckorna var jättekul och jag vill ge ett särskilt tack till Tilda. Hon är en mycket bra lärare och jag är glad att hon lärde mig so mycket under kursen. Jag kan absolut rekommendera kursen med henne i Stockholm! 😊 Tim, March

Kära Tilda, Jag skulle vilja tacka dig igen för de fantastiska lektionerna och de många användbara tipsen. Jag lärde mig mycket och hade väldigt roligt. Annett, February

Tack så mycket för en fantastisk veckan i Stockholm. Jag lärda mig Mycket och hade en underbar tid 😎😎 Björn, December

Tack så mycket! Det var en fantastisk vecka i Stockholm. Jag gillade skolan och det var en jättebra uppleva att göra kursen med två personer. 😊🇸🇪 Anja, December

Tack så mycket för en fantastisk vecka i Malmö! Jag hade väldigt roligt och är mycket nöjd med mina framsteg. Jag skulle gärna komma tillbaka till dig igen.Vänliga hälsningar Tina, A1 October

It was great fun and I am motivated to continue learning Swedish. Luca, A1.2 October

I had two mega-great weeks at Communicera with Maria.It was a one-to-one course. The course exceeded all my expectations. It was very varied and I learnt a lot, also about the city of Malmö. Maria gave good tips for excursions and organised a city tour for me. The teaching materials were up to date and very practical.I would highly recommend the Communicera language course to anyone :).I had a lot of fun and looked forward to starting the course every morning.Thank you very much for the great course and the wonderful time in Malmö 😊😊.I will definitely be back 😊.Vi ses! Claudia, B1, September

Kära Maria, kära Freja, tack så mycket för en fantastisk vecka i Malmö. Jag lärde mig mycket - många nya ord, mycket grammatik. Detta försummas i appen. Jag förstår svenska ganska bra och kan utläsa mycket av sammanhanget. Det var svårt för mig att prata, men det blev också bättre i slutet av veckan. Jag hade en fantastisk tid på kursen med Lothar och Gustav. Tack så mycket för ert fantastiska arbete.

Anja, A1 september

Jag vill tacka dig en gång till. Det var ett sant nöje att studera med dig, diskutera frågor, göra skämt tillsammans med dig. Svenskarna har så bra humor :)
Jag kommer att fortsätta lära mig svenska. Hälsningar till Annika Från Georgien med kärlek, Milena B1 augusti

I had a wonderful experience and week in my A2 course with Freya! The time flew by and it was so much fun. I learnt a lot and was able to improve my Swedish speaking and understanding. I can highly recommend the school and a stay in Malmö to learn Swedish and experience Swedish culture. Fantastic place to live ;-) Tack så mycket! August A2

Tack så mycket, Freya, Maria och Annika! Jag hade en underbar tid den här veckan i skolan! :-) det var jättebra!Jag hoppar komma tillbaka snart. Tack för certifikaten. Anja, A2 Juli

Det var en jättekul vecka med Freya och gänget. Jag lärde mig spännande saker. Tack! Ulrike, A2, Juli 2024.

It was a great week of learning, fun and great progress in the Swedish language. Freya is a great teacher, we had a lot of fun with her. Thank you for five wonderful days. Claudia, A2, July 2024

This language course week in Malmö with Maria was incredibly fun, she taught me Swedish so well - very highly recommended, I was looking forward to going back every morning🥰, Marion. A1.2, June 2024

Tack så mycket!!! Ni representerar så bra Sverige!! Alke, Juni 2024

Hej, Tack för certifikatet och "Teilnahmebestätigung"! Det var en mycket fin och trevlig tid i Malmö. Jag känner verkligen att min svenska har gjort stora framsteg :-). Stort tack till dig och Annika för jättebra lektioner!! Hoppas att vi ses snart igen! Dirk, A2+/B1, May 2024

Thank you so much for this wonderful week. It is so much more than just a Swedish course... Tine, educational leave, A1.2/A2, April 2024

Dear Maria! I would like to thank you, with your bubbly, warm manner you made it very easy for us to get involved in a fast pace and lots of input! I took so much from this one week and above all I was able to overcome my shyness about speaking Swedish! I am now very motivated to repeat and deepen what I have already learned and then build on it! My Swedish friends and neighbors were deeply impressed by what I could already say and understand and were amazed that I had learned all this in just one week! So once again a big compliment to you and Annika! Irmela, A1, educational leave April 2024

Thank you so much for the two weeks of Swedish ;-) I have learned enough to continue. Freya has been patient with me. I really enjoyed the lessons. I want to read, listen and write every day for 10 minutes. And on the next vacation I will be in Sweden. Antonia, A1, educational leave 2 weeks online, April 2024

A big thank you from me for the course. Your open and enthusiastic manner made it very easy for me to get to grips with the Swedish language and mentality.I look forward to seeing you again next year. Linda, A1, educational leave April 2024

Hello Maria, thank you very much for the course, it was great fun and we are thrilled with how much you taught us together with Annika in one week. We really enjoyed it. Ferdinand, A1, educational leave April 2024

Jag har haft en superbra tid med dig och Annika och funderar redan på att komma tillbaka för en annan kurs - kanske nästa år. Hanna, B2, One-to-One, Bildungsurlaub, April 2024

An absolute recommendation! If you want to have fun and enjoy learning Swedish and experience Swedish life, I can only warmly recommend it. Maria teaches the language with such joy and passion that you have no choice but to let yourself be infected and inspired by it. I was with her for three weeks and learned so much, even though I'm really not good at languages! I hope you don't miss the opportunity to learn from her! :) Carla, A1 - A2, 3 weeks group course, March 2024

Hej Maria & Annika,
tack sååå mycket för en bra och intensiv svensk vecka…det var väldigt roligt!
Tack också för dokumenten.Tack för den fantastiska tiden! Jana, Bildungsurlaub A2, Feb 2024

Tack för allt! Jag hade verkligen en jätte trevlig vecka i Malmö och på alla språklektioner med Annika. Det var alltid roligt, omväxlande med olika genre och lärorik på ett alltid mycket vänlig sätt. Jag trivdes mycket att har lektioner tillsammans med Annika och jag tackar så mycket för hennes bedömmning om mina språkkunskaper. Hennes råd är jätte hjälpsama (just nu där jag läser en roman "Färskt vatten till blommorna"). Angelika, Mix-Kurs B2/C1, Jan 2024

I had the pleasure of taking a one-to-one Swedish lesson and absolutely loved the experience! My teacher Maria was not only incredibly competent and experienced, but also incredibly nice and funny, which made every lesson a real highlight. Her friendly and humorous nature created a pleasant learning atmosphere in which I felt free to ask questions and try new things.
The individual support was first class. Maria specifically addressed my personal learning needs and dynamically adapted the lessons to my pace and interests. Thanks to her lively and interactive teaching style, I was able to make quick progress and had a lot of fun doing it.
The teaching materials were up-to-date and very practical. They helped me develop a deep understanding of Swedish language and culture.
I can highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn Swedish in a personal, flexible and at the same time effective way. Whether for vacation, for professional reasons or simply for the joy of learning - this course is an excellent choice. A huge thank you to my wonderful teacher for this great and educational time! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Florian, Bildungsurlaub B1, One-to-One, Jan 2024

Thank you Maria for fantastic days at Communicera! It was educational, fun and inspiring in every way. Great with all the actual practicing of the language, made me lose those barriers once and for all. Hope to come back soon! Helena, Gruppenkurs 2, A2, Jan 2024

Tack sa mycket för en fantastisk sprakkurs med mycket roligt och framgang. Jag lärde mig sa mycket pa bara en vecka. Tack ocksa för bra rekommendationer och delade erfarenheter pa Luciakonserten och pa Ruths. Julia, Bildungsurlaub A1, Dez 2023

Vielen lieben Dank nochmal für die tolle Woche in Malmö, ich habe soviel gelernt und hatte viel Freude dabei. Nicole, Bildungsurlaub A1, dec 2023

Tack så jättemycket för fotot, Teilnahmebestätigung och certifikatet så klart. Väldigt kult att läsa. Jag trivdes jättebra förra veckan. Annika var en trevlig och duktig lärare som reagerade på våra behov och önskningar. Tack igen för att ni gjorde möjligt undervisningen just den veckan! Jag skulle gilla att återvända om chansen skulle dyka upp. Angela, Bildungsurlaub B2, Nov 2023

Had a great week at communicera!!! The way how Maria learned us swedish in B1 was fantastic! We had a lot of fun together in a small group! Will definetly come back to improve my swedish skills!!! Thank you Communicera! Max, Austria, Crash-course, Oct 2023

I booked a week's educational holiday with Communicera and can only recommend it. As a beginner in Swedish, I learnt in a group in a very varied and fun way. Thanks to Maria, who is full of enthusiasm and cheerfulness, the lessons flew by, with lots of exercises for listening, reading and speaking comprehension, structured grammar and constant encouragement to use the language, I could actually understand and speak a little Swedish by the end of the week! I am thrilled! Tack så mycket! Dorothee, educational holiday Hamburg, A1, Oct 2023

Tack så så mycket för allt! Du är den bästa lärare på världen och det var så kul att lära sig svenska mit dig! Jag har redan tittade på internet när ska vara nästa kurser i Malmö så vi ska ser oss igen. Olga, Austria A1, Oct 2023

This was our second time (level B1) at Maria Laopodis' really fabulous Swedish language school "Communicera". We also have lessons at a language school in Cologne, but Maria tops everything! Her lessons are structured first-class, are a lot of fun and her enthusiasm is contagious - a real recommendation! A&D, Vacation+Swedish, Malmö September 2023

It's amazing what you can learn in one week with so much fun! The course is varied, provides a sound grammatical basis and skillfully leads to impressive listening, reading and language comprehension. I was amazed at myself at the end of the week how I could talk to Swedes. Julia, Crash-course, Malmö August, 2023

I gained a lot from the course. Many, many thanks! Petchon is a very good teacher.Ute, A1 - A1.2 One-to-One 2 Weeks Vactaion + Swedish, Online, July 2023

Tiden i Malmö var väldigt trevlig. Jag har haft många tillfällen att prata med Phetchon.
Hon hittade intressanta texter som jag kunde använda för att förbättra min svenska. Tiden gick alltid väldigt fort. Jag gillade också Malmö. Jag måste definitivt komma tillbaka och sedan utforska staden på cykel. Jag har inte sett allt än. Tack för en härlig tid. Daniel, B1, 2 Weeks, One-to-One, Malmö July 2023

1 week language course with Maria is highly recommended!
Maria teaches really well; she responds to each individual; I learned an incredible amount (especially speaking freely) and didn't want to stop with the course. In addition to her professional competence, she is so likeable, open and has a lot of good energy. Thank you so much for that!!! I hope to see you again! Sarah, Groupcourse, Malmö June 2023

What a week! The 5 days of intensive Swedish course flew by. I learned so much - with fun and good humour! Thank you Maria, you are super! Tack så mycket för allt. I will be back! Claudia, A1.2 Allgäu, One-to-One May 2023

The Swedish classes were a real oasis of joy and motivation for me during the dark and cold winter weeks! Peter, Online course 2023

I want to thank you so much for this fantastic week. I learnt a lot in a very nice and friendly atmosphere. The week has definitely motivated me to continue learning Swedish. I am planning to do another course with you - then maybe B1; either online or in person, we will see. 
Many greetings to Annika. She did an excellent job guiding us through this fantastic week. A holiday that will remain in our best memories for a long time. Thomas, Munich, Groupcourse A2, 2023

Thanks to Sandra! It was fantastic! A perfect mix of useful vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation training, information about Sweden and nice company, Rainer, Online Course 2023

Learning Swedish with Maria means " Just do it". Cordial, with a lot of humour and expertise. The focus is on communication, talking to each other and exchanging ideas about all kinds of things - and from the very first minute (almost) exclusively in Swedish. Of course it's not possible without learning vocabulary and grammar. But many things simply open up in conversation. In short: A clear recommendation for everyone who wants to talk to more than just the moose on their next holiday in Sweden / Christa, Munich, One-to-One Online, since January 2021

I wanted to learn Swedish and found a course at Communicera. I was quickly and warmly welcomed and even before we met for the first time, I received various information about the course. I decided to do 2 consecutive weeks, both because I could use it as educational leave and because I had the time and inclination. It was a great experience, with new acquaintances, nice course mates and intensive and good teaching in small groups. Maria made an effort to accommodate everyone's level, as our Swedish skills were different. I am very satisfied with the results of the last two weeks. I can only recommend Communicera! Thank you very much! Majbrit Thrane, A1 - A2, Feb - March 2023

Excellent and very efficient language course, very committed teacher, had a lot of fun! /C.W, educational leave B1, Sept 2022

Hi everyone, the last two weeks I have started learning Swedish properly. It has been a great experience and I now want to build on the language. I want to thank María and Annika for their great work. The learning was personal and individual. It doesn't get any better than that. / Pascal, A2 Hamburg Feb 2022

The language course in Malmö was a unique experience! It was a lot of fun!!!! Maria leads the courses with heart and soul!!!! A fantastic teacher! I can really recommend the courses! / Frank Meyland, A1 - A2 2 v Bildungsurlaub Oct 2022

I don't think I have ever spoken as much Swedish on a course as I did this week. Annika is a very competent teacher. Thank you again! /Andrea, Berlin Bildungsurlaub A1.2, April 2022

In the last two weeks I was on educational leave. I used this time to learn Swedish and where better to learn a language than in the country where you speak it. Learning a language in a country always gives you an insight into the country and the culture. I would like to thank María Laopodis, my teacher, who always explained patiently. The beginning is made, now I will continue learning Swedish in Germany. I am very grateful for the time and the experiences. /Sebastian, Hamburg, A2, Jan - Feb 2022

I got to spend two full weeks on educational leave with Maria and Simon in Malmö. And since no one else wanted to learn the beautiful Swedish language during this period - all by myself too! Yes, as a beginner, I started pretty much from scratch - so I booked an A1 course. I had two really good weeks, during which I laughed a lot and had a lot of fun, but after all, I also learnt an enormous amount, and not only about the language. You are warmly welcomed here, almost like a family, and you really enjoy learning. Maria really has a sense of how to get the best out of you, and she organises the lessons in this way and also takes your own interests into account. It was also nice to have a lesson day with Simon, where I finally learnt to swear in Swedish; he can also give you the perspective of an expat from Munich and speaks a lot of Swedish! So if you want to laugh a lot in a relaxed atmosphere with nice and good teachers and learn a lot at the same time - then you should definitely go to this language school in Sweden! / Jan Wittmer, A1 + A1.2 Lower Saxony March 2022

I booked 2 weeks of language lessons at Communicate with Maria in August 2021. I was completely overwhelmed by the enthusiasm, energy and commitment with which Maria taught us the Swedish language. The individual lessons during the last week were so intense and stimulating that, thanks to her competence as a language teacher and her helpfulness regarding questions about important everyday Swedish topics, I now have a very good basis for realising my move from Germany to Sweden. Thanks again for the great time! / Inge Kuckartz, A1 - A2 August 2021

The special thing about Maria's way of teaching is that she especially encourages you - and knows when to challenge you. For example, some time ago she sent me a Swedish newspaper article about the elections in Germany at that time, with comprehension and grammar exercises and a request: "Explain to me what is happening!". At that time it was a big challenge for me and really took me out of my comfort zone. And then a lot changed in a short time: I could write and speak much more freely in Swedish, quickly becoming more and more confident. I was so confident that I dared to take the Tisus certificate - and passed it. / Wolfram Utz, Dortmund, A1 - C1 Online 2018-2020

I took a group course with Maria and after a short time my Swedish improved considerably. It was very much about speaking and having fun. As Maria has lived in both Germany and Sweden, the differences between the countries have always been a fruitful and interesting topic. Maria always used additional teaching material from current sources (newspapers/internet/TV), which made the course lively and exciting./Sabine, Munich A2 - B2, 2020

I have never had so much fun learning a new language, and even after all these years I still remember my first "lektion"... it has been a wonderful start into my journey of learning a lot about the Swedish language, country and culture. If you ever thought (or made the experience) that learning grammar and vocabulary is a pain, try a lesson with Maria! Do not only broaden your skills and horizon, but also get to know a bright, brilliant person! / Brigitte Muench, Switzerland, One-to-One 2020